When you go to a yoga class for the first time, you often get lost in what to wear. Yoga attire is based on ease of movement. There are many different types of yoga, so choose your outfit according to the type and what kind of pose you have. On top of that, it is recommended to choose yoga clothes singapore with color and design that will increase motivation. Please prepare your clothes and items well and enjoy yoga! First, let’s look at the points of choosing the right outfit for yoga.
Focus on ease of movement
Ease of movement is fundamental to yoga. Yoga involves a variety of poses, so it’s a good idea to choose stretchy clothing. It’s hard to relax when you’re cramped, so choose a size that just fits you. However, if the pants are large, it may lead to a fall, so be careful.
Avoid revealing clothing
Yoga has many sleeping and crouching poses, so avoid clothes with open chests. Also, avoid clothes that turn over the hem when you pose facing down, as your stomach will be exposed or your clothes will get on your face and you will not be able to concentrate on the pose. In addition, low-rise pants may show the buttocks while posing, so deep crotch pants are recommended.
Stick to the material of the wear
The choice of clothes is also important in the material. Even yoga at room temperature often makes you sweat, so choose clothes made of materials that make it easy for sweat to dry out. Specifically, polyester materials are recommended. Although cotton material feels good to the touch, it is necessary to be careful because sweat does not dry easily. It is also important to pay attention to the thinness of the fabric. Clothing with thin fabrics may stretch out when posing and show through the underwear. Let’s check it when trying it on.
Choose a simple design
In yoga, there are many poses where you lie down or lie on your back. Therefore, items that are difficult to move, such as clothes with zippers or hoods, should be avoided. It is a good idea to choose a design that is as simple as possible without decoration.
Be careful what you wear on the way to and from work
Clothes worn on the way to and from yoga classes are suitable for easy to change into. Hoodies with front openings and fashionable jerseys are convenient to wear over yoga wear! After the lesson, your body temperature is high, so even if you take a shower, you may sweat. Choose loose-fitting clothes instead of sweaty denim and other clothes that are hard to change into if you’re sweating.