Receive bizsafe star

To receive bizsafe star status, which is the highest level of bizSAFE Certification, it is a prerequisite that the company/enterprise acquires the SS506 Certification given by the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) authorize Affirming Bodies OR OHSAS 18001 (Welfare and occupational safety the board) or other identical global certificates, accompanied by a hazard that executives Implementation within the review report by the MOM Approved WSH Auditor.

Role Of Leader 

At this stage, the project manager/leader would have completed the WSQ WSHMS (Workplace Health and Safety Management System) course and promoted the WSHMS execution plan in the program. The SAC-certified accreditation body must review its Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS) to ensure that a practical WSHMS is established. Running the WSHMS ensures that the hazard or risks in the work environment are recognized, supervised, and controlled by the Law or WSH Standards to ensure expert privileges.


The Process To Submit

After obtaining the relevant participation testimonials and review and WSHMS reports performed, the organization can submit the bizSAFE STAR applications online, the application is useless. This bizSAFE STAR certification is a significant statement of the support and responsibility of the company’s senior management or enterprise in making their work environment a safe working environment. A secure work environment is a key variable in driving and retaining reps.

While this is a more significant level of achievement for the bizSAFE journey, it doesn’t stop there, organizations that have received the bizSAFE STAR are trusted to support their qualifications by proceeding to triage and refine their WSHMS and executive risks such as ISO certificate. A recharge review should be directed like clockwork to support accreditation. It is best practice to allow as little as 3 months to prepare for restoration as well as update applicable records, WSHMS frameworks, and hazard assessment.

The Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC) calls the highest level of bizSAFE bizSAFE STAR, not bizSAFE Level 5!

What Is bizsafe star

bizSAFE STAR is the most significant level of certification in the bizSAFE enterprise, connotes the achievement of the association in Safety and Health at Work (WSH) Safety and Excellence in Risk Management.

  • With the association’s bizSAFE STAR status, one gets all the bizSAFE benefits as follows:
  • Acquiring recognition from bizSAFE and industry accomplices
  • The gain business advantage with conceivably more valuable business open doors
  • Stimulated representatives with a protected and better workplace.

Thus, websites emphatically enable the business/company to seek this confirmation to help in the image and seriousness of the sector. Be a STAR, a bizSAFE STAR on the rise!