shockwave therapy singapore

A person with chronic pain may find it difficult and irritated too when he is advised to take a break from daily activities. Modern times have made sick leaves interesting in one way; one can choose to watch a series on an OTT platform to entertain themselves and simultaneously forget the pain. The real uncanny feeling gets on when the same person is informed to take medication that could cause drowsiness. Why wouldn’t he? It is obvious, as are homo sapiens who have the urge to enjoy life, and not stay in bed all day. Such active individuals and people who are advised to take therapy can benefit from results within a short time

shockwave therapy Singapore is one of such unique remedies that foster speedy recovery without affecting mood.

The high-energy radial pressure waves (RPMs) are used in therapy to relieve pain and heal the tendon tissues. The acoustics waves produced by the device promote muscle repair and metabolism. It is also known to inflict inflammation for a faster natural recovery.

How many weeks?

As the wand-like tool is directly applied on the hurting part, the pain has no other choice than to subside. Many personnels experience improvement within fewer sessions. Whereas, few express instant pain relief and gratitude. However, as we are different in all aspects of life, we may not share similar feedback. Age, the area of injury, degree of danger plays a crucial role in recovery.

Gradual recovery is expected as the waves react with the neurotransmitters from outside the body. For patients with unbearable pain, a complete cure would be apparent after 16 weeks. The period in discussion is in regards to pain, however, the duration of the course varies in case of scar tissue, cellulite, bursitis, and erectile dysfunction. Elimination of Erectile dysfunction (ED) may need 3 to 4 treatment sessions.

Numbness can appear in a few in the initial stages and disappear along the way. A minimum of 8-12 weeks is required to obtain the best output from the remedy. Mobility restoration and strong tendons are the outcomes of welcoming therapy.

Bottom line

It is always best to be on a safer edge by considering opinions and recommendations from a qualified clinician before disturbing the neural receptors. Also, patience is the key to the attainment of optimal results. Get on a mini-research mission and find out the best institutions that offer high-quality service like shockwave therapy Singapore.