fabric showcase

Fabric displays are the next generation of exhibition stands. Displays are a vital marketing tool at trade shows and events, helping you stand out from the crowd. Unlike other traditional screens, these screens are reusable, easy to clean, and machine washable. Displays can be expensive, so to keep your fabric displays as economical as possible and not require replacement, it’s important to follow a few simple care instructions to get the most out of your fabric display and take good care of them.

Although fabric curtains are very light, they are large and may require more than one person to assemble during textile company events. Helping a friend assemble the screen will help keep the fabric on the floor and increase assembly speed.

Install in a dry and clean place.

Fabric display cases should be installed in a dry, clean area and care. It is also recommended to wear white gloves during assembly and handling to ensure that no grease or dirt gets onto the graphics.


When setting up a fabric showcase stand, one of the elements to consider is lighting. It’s not uncommon for trade shows and exhibitions to have poor lighting conditions, making it difficult for your exhibit to stand out from the background. If you are using a double-sided screen, make sure that the screen is not exposed to strong light.

fabric showcase

Don’t drag it on the ground.

Dragging a fabric shade across the floor can stain the fabric graphics and tear or wear them out. The stand lifts off the ground and carefully slides into the new location when you move the screen.

Follow the washing instructions.

Always check the individual instructions for your fabric shade, but most can be washed at 30 degrees with regular detergents. Fabric graphics can be ironed on low heat from the non-printed side. However, this is not necessary as the elasticity of the graphics will stretch any wrinkles when stretched over a frame and secured, leaving a stretched, wrinkle-free appearance. For best results, it is not necessary to steam the creases of the frame while it is in the frame, avoiding any contact of the steamer with the fabric, as water droplets can smear the watermarks on the graphics.


It’s also important to note that fabric displays are also not suitable for tumble drying as this can cause the fabric to shrink, instead, allow the fabric graphics to air dry on the frame, making sure the frame is clean before doing this. Care instructions are included with each shade of fabric.