Critical Illness insurance is an excellent way for individuals to protect themselves, their family and loved ones when faced with a critical illness.
A Critical illness is a serious medical condition or injury that will result in death in under five years, or cause death in five years or less if treatment is not given. Common examples of this are cancer, stroke, heart attack and severe injury.
The type of critical illness cover you buy will depend on the seriousness and duration of the condition. It may also include psychological illnesses such as depression which isn’t life threatening but can be disabling without treatment.
How Does a Critical Illness Affect Your Family?
Your family can face a financial crisis if you pass away as you may no longer be able to support them. There is also the emotional burden of losing a family member and having to pick up the pieces.
If the permanent disability is caused by a critical illness then there will be both financial and emotional impact on the family. But if treatment allows you to return to work then your income will return and you’ll once again be able to support your family as well as before.
This is why purchasing critical illness insurance is important because it reimburses you for lost income due to critical illness or permanent disability.
Do You Have a Healthy Lifestyle?
If you don’t do anything to prevent diseases then you’re more likely to get a critical illness or suffer from a permanent disability. In other words, if you engage in healthy activities and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle then your risk of suffering from such illnesses will be lower.
For example, when one is diabetic, one has to follow a strict diet and exercise regularly in order to avoid complications.
What Are the Symptoms of Critical Illness?
Some ailments such as heart attack or stroke can cause serious damage within minutes or even after 30 years of having them without knowing it. Thus it’s important that you know the symptoms and see a doctor immediately if any appear.
Some of the common symptoms include not being able to stand or walk, not being able to speak properly, total loss of sight, numbness in one arm or leg, loss of balance and red or swollen eyes. If any are present then seek medical attention immediately.
How Long Do Symptoms Last?
Symptoms usually last anywhere between a few minutes and a few days. But can sometimes be permanent or lengthy if the illness is more severe than expected. For example, diabetes can cause blindness if the condition is left untreated for too long.