Ankle Sprain Physiotherapy Will Make Your Ankle Sprain Recovery Easier

Ankle sprains are a more common injury as most people involve in physical activities all of their life for their day-to-day tasks. About 70 % of ankle injuries happen during sports activities where an intense load is applied to the ankle and leg. Even though ankle injury is common, proper medical attention should to given to recover as the injury may become severe if untreated. Ankle sprain physiotherapy provides the necessary care to the ankle to reduce your pain and to recover your ankle to its full glory.

Anatomy of Ankle Sprain

Our ankle contains three bones interconnected and supported by strong ligaments surrounding them. The ligaments are flexible and provide mobility to the ankle and the whole leg. Our ankle is said to be sprained if the ligaments are torn as it stretches beyond its boundary during extreme physical activities or slipped during a sports activity. The amount of ligament tear determines the severity of the injury.

Symptoms of ligament tear

ankle sprain physiotherapy

After the injury, the person will feel severe pain as the ligaments and blood vessels surrounding the tear become inflamed. There will be swelling around the area. Some may feel pain while moving the ankle. Icing the area will reduce the pain and swelling temporarily, but if the symptoms become severe or prevail for more than a few hours, proper medical attention should be given to eliminating further damage to the ligaments.

Diagnosis and Grading

Medical experts will examine the ankle visually to get the severity using techniques such as palpation and range movement tests. They involve gently squeezing and making a light movement of the affected ankle. If the injury is severe, they will access the damage with the help of modern imaging equipment and grade the injury from mild to medium to severe.

Ankle Sprain Physiotherapy 

There are four stages in ankle sprain physiotherapy and adopt functional treatment.

The first stage involves reducing the swelling and pain by applying ice and taking oral medications to reduce inflammation and pain. Taping and bracing techniques are practical and show superior results.

The second stage involves the healing phase, with little movement to improve the stiffness and motion. The physiotherapist will move the ankle lightly without worsening the pain further. Continued passive movement is applied till the condition improves.

The third stage involves the recovery phase, which improves the flexibility and weight-bearing capacity of the ankle. It requires walking, exercise, and light physical activity.

The last and final phase involves endurance, where the goal is to return to the pre-injury life. It requires endurance training and exercise.

Thus, ankle sprain physiotherapy proves to be an excellent option for recovering from an ankle injury. So contact an ankle sprain physiotherapist to treat your ankle.