Fertility screening refers to a process where a women’s fertility and/or the period for which she’s ovulating or fertile, during a month is determined. Multiple factors determine the fertility of a woman, hence there exist various types of fertility tests and screening for women, each testing a different factor.
The number of eggs present in a women, tend to decline over time. The test that allows us to find the number of eggs remaining, or a rather tentative quantity, is known as ovarian reserve testing. A basic fertility test that evaluates the uterine cavity and determines if the fallopian tubes are open is known as HSG. Among these there also exist options of blood testing, hormonal testing, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. The term fertility screening is used an umbrella term for all of these processes together. There exist, Fertility screening facilities exist across the globe, however the focus of this article will primarily be singapore based fertilty screening services.
Types of fertility screening
Clinics that offer Fertility screening singapore based usually cost between 450 to 1200 dollars. Multiple hospitals and clinics, have expert doctors and gynaecologists with immense experience to lead a series of tests that provide near accurate results and help countless women, struggling with fertility issues, annually.
Features of fertility screening singapore based
- These types of tests do not fall under critical, life saving care, therefore a fertility screening and all subsequent tests are not covered by insurance. However all expenses of the neo natal care of a child, conceived via in vitro, are born by insurance under the Assisted Reproduction Programme (ARP).
- Experts believe that there are certain conditions that a person must be fulfilling, in order to require a fertility screening. The generic believe is that if a hetrosexual couple is unable to get pregnant naturally after an year of regular sexual intercourse, then they might need to get tested out for Infertility.
While many people believe that Infertility is a temporary phase, that tends tk go away with time and is caused due to physical and emotional factors such as stress. Many others believe in science and modern medicine and hence preach that the only way to be sure is to get a fertility screening and tests done, in order to determine the fertility of both man and a woman. Although these tests, often prove to be a little expensive and often unaffordable. These are the only way for a person to be absolutely sure about their condition, if any and hence determine w suitable course of treatment.