The procedure of removal of old skin cells or skins dead outer most surface is called an exfoliation it also called as strip off leaves of a plant to make it good in the growth. In Clarins it involved with it is done for facials using chemical peels it can also be achieved by chemical means. This treatment promotes health of the skin, young and youthful appearance and enhances beauty of the person.

In Clarins various types of procedure are followed in the technique to enhances the beauty of the skin .

Types of skin exfoliators:

The mechanical method:

In this process the skin is scrubbed with a hard or semi soft abrasive to remove the dead skins. Skin exfoliators involve micro bead scrubs, cloths which are smooth or micro fibres, crepe papers, crushed apricot, sugar and salt crystals and some abrasive materials like loofahs,brushes, sponges and fingernail removers.The people with dry skin should avoid this procedure as it creates more breakage to the skin.In the procedure the dead skin and extra hair is removed. Some times scalpel may be used to remove the extra skin. Normally common blade is also used to clean dry skin on nose, chin, forehead and cheeks, neck it will done only by the professional so to avoid deep cuts on the skin.

Chemical method:

This method involves chemical peeling of the dead skin in which chemicals will be used to remove the extra layer of the dead skin. The chemical involved in the procedure are fruit enzymes, citric acid, malic acid, glycolic acid, sialic acid which can be added in a concentrated form by the professional or by the some of the available products in the market. In some places wine can be used for this procedure as wine has nature of exfoliating property of dead skin and it is very much unharmful to the any skin type. 

Some other methods:

  • In mechanical procedure waxing is one manual process to remove dead skin which can be done every two or eight weeks timely. It is temporary process for the removal of dead skin
  • The other procedure is Nair in which it involves chemical removal in which it destroys the extra hair growth in the skin
  • The other procedure is wet shaving which is like brush vigorously across the area to remove the dead skin. Double edged razor should be used for this procedure as the razor is used much nearer to dead skin.

Summing up:

The process involves increase skin texture, beauty of person, gives glow to the skin and can make a person look more youthful and it can increase the personal health of the individual.