It is very disheartening to discover pests eating your prize blooms, bulbs, or vegetables after investing a significant amount of time and money into a flower or vegetable garden. Wire metal mesh fence is an excellent choice for creating a fence to keep critters out of specific areas. It is inexpensive, simple to install, and takes less time to complete.
- With a hammer, pound a wooden stake into the ground at each corner of your garden fence. With a measuring tape, measure the circumference of the garden area to determine the number of line posts required for all sides. Divide the measurement by 8 or 10 to get an 8 to 10-foot spacing.
- Pick up one of the wooden corner stakes. Insert the bottom of a 6-foot-tall heavy-duty T-post into the hole left by the corner stake. Turn the T-post so that the tabs facing outward, away from your garden.
- Insert a T-post driver through the top of the post. Lift the driver and use a medium to heavy force to drop it onto the T-post to insert it into the ground.
- Drive the post into the ground until the flat area at the top of the spade is below ground level. Insert the remaining three corner posts in the same manner.
- Install light-duty 5-foot-tall T-posts at 8- to 10-foot intervals around the garden.
- Directly on the outside of the T-posts, dig a 6-inch-wide, 6-inch-deep trench. Open a 3-foot-tall roll of chicken wire and roll it down one side of the fence. Lean the roll against the corner post at the far end of the metal mesh fence. With your foot, press the bottom of the chicken wire into the trench.
- Pry open the lower tabs of each T-post with a flat screwdriver. Insert the chicken wire into the loops and use pliers to close them over the wire.
- Install a wire mesh of a 48-inch-tall roll near an edge post. Unroll it down the fence to the next corner post. Open the tabs on a T-post one at a time, working your way from the bottom to the top. Insert the wire mesh into the bottom loop and use pliers to close it. Attach the wire mesh to each pole from the bottom to the top.