Interior designing

The basics of designing interiors help you transform any ordinary looking space to a space that looks fabulous. You know everything is put together to appeal to our senseswhen you walk into a well designed home, office or any space for that matter. Interior Design knowledge paired with experimentation results in giving you the ability to create beautiful spaces.

You can use this knowledge in order to transform your own home. You’re Home Interior is the space that people look at first thing to get to know your capabilities of designing a space. Its aesthetic appeal, style and the functionality of your home is the reflection of your interior designing skills.

Let us look at a few basics of Interior Designing.


There is a need for balance in everything in life. Interior designs also need that balance to create perfect equilibrium of symmetry, colours, textures etc. There are three kind of balance in interior designing that you can make use of to make a space look picture perfect namely Symmetrical balance, Asymmetrical balance and Radial balance.

Symmetrical Balance

This is the easiest balance to create in any given space. You just have to mirror two sides of the space for it look symmetrical. For example having two chairs on both sides of a table. This is commonly seen in many designs. These designs can look boring and monotonous.

Asymmetrical Balance

This kind of balance is created not by mirroring the two sides like in symmetrical balance but by making designs that are more complex and interesting.

Radial Balance

Like the name suggests around the radius of a piece there are other elements. There is a lot of repetition of colours and pattern in creating this type of balance in designing. For example, a dining table with chairs surrounding it could be something you could achieve Radial balance with.

Interior designing


Rhythm in designing is about repeating colours and textures. For example you can pick up a colour in the painting of the wall to use it in the furnishing and then perhaps in the rug and other things This is used at intervals all over in a given space to bring in the required rhythm to the space.


Harmony aims at restfulness just like the way rhythm is used to create excitement. For instance, When you look at a space where everything looks put together and unified in single colour that creates harmony in the design. It gives you peace to look at things in one dominant colour like white for that instance.


It is so important to draw emphasis to a particular thing in a space. This helps break the monotony and through boredom out like having all the emphasis on a fire place or a large piece of furniture. This will act like an anchor and prevent the space from looking scattered and in pieces.

These are some key principles to keep in mind when trying to design a home, office or any other space. Choose your style and incorporate it with the taste and requirements of your client and you will do wonders to the space.