Useful tips for novice users of Eyeliner

Many different types of eyeliner have been released in the beauty market. Now we have magnetic lashes with liner, which is among the beauty products in demand. Magnet lashes liner can offer you an attractive look with hot cat-eye you’ve been dreaming to have. If you want to make your eyes’ appearance bigger, if you apply magnet lashes liner appropriately, it will help you achieve extraordinary beauty.

However, you have to know how to use magnet lashes liner or end up with a mess on your face. Therefore, you have to look for excellent manual dexterity to prevent messing up your face. If you are using a magnet lashes liner for the first time, you have to use a practical eyeliner guard. So, if you are a first-timer, the following guide will help through the right procedure:

Never ditch your magnet lashes liner

Even if you have used magnet lashes liner for couples for days now, you still need a magnet pencil to guide you. Magnet pencil will assist create a shape you intend to have on your eyes. Magnet pencil liner also allows marking a line entirely between your eyelashes to avoid leaving unsightly spaces between the lash lines.

magnetic lashes with liner

Utilize the concealer

The concealer will assist in tracing the outside line. If you want to make the line pop, trace the outer line with a little sheer concealer. Use any lighter color compared to your natural skin tone.

Place the pencil against to eyelashes

Resting pencil against the top eyelashes will help reduce smudges and messes on your top eyelashes. Once you are done, slightly lift the lid with the other hand to expose your skin closest to a lash line. Then, work it from inside out and allow the pencil to work on your behalf.

Stare directly to your mirror

You should always stare directly at your mirror every time you are applying eyeliner. If you intend to have a spectacular eye line, stare directly into your mirror as you apply your magnet eyeliner. Also, you can make use of the bottom lash-line to guide you to the right place where feline flick should go; magnetic lashes with liner have emerged with different styles; all you need is a guide to help you through.

Using cotton buds

Using cotton buds assist in correcting or erasing mistakes. If you cannot follow the guides, seek professional artists’ assistance or visit online beauty guides for more guides and help.