Hot oils are subject to degradation due to oxidation and thermal cracking. As oil decomposes, carbon accumulates, which ultimately leads to contamination of the system in the form of mud and coke. When these products accumulate in your system, especially in pump seals, valves and other internal areas, they can cause a wide range of equipment problems or, worse, a complete system failure. The continuous accumulation of carbon pollution and the lack of an adequate hot oil filtration system can damage several components of your equipment, particularly the heating surfaces, which can reduce the overall efficiency of heat transfer in your system. This is one of the main reasons why industrial filtration is critical for hot oil heaters and similar types of industrial systems. A well-designed and fully-functional hot oil filtration system ensures adequate heat transfer and avoids system problems typically caused by the accumulation of mud and coke in hot oil heaters.
Reduction of additional costs
The rapid failure of hot oil and its degradation due to oxidation and thermal cracking also entail additional costs due to an increase in oil change and an increase in labor costs as a result of increased maintenance and repair. Additional costs are also associated with additional spare parts that can quickly accumulate in significant quantities when the sludge and contaminants enter the seals, rotors, valves, magnetically operated canisters, and other expensive system components. When an industrial filtration system is installed, all these additional costs can be avoided, while reducing the number of man-hours needed to maintain and control the effectiveness of the system.
In addition to mud and coke, which are usually caused by carbon formation, many other types of contaminants can be introduced into the cooling system, from dust and dirt to sand, inlays, and slag from the pipe (which can also accumulate during installation and even during downtime). Most hot oil heaters are equipped with type hot oil filtration systems that serve as filters installed in front of the system pump. These types of industrial filtration systems are designed to protect valves and flow meters and help prevent pump cavitation, effectively protecting the system against damage to the mechanical seal.
Hot oil filtration systems have many other advantages, including the effective removal of particles that break down the oil. Maintaining a fluid viscosity that effectively reduces the accumulation of mud is different. An adequate filtration system also allows you to maintain thermal efficiency (thus reducing energy costs), extend the life of the oil and reduce maintenance costs, since the pumps and valves are protected.
Hot oil filtration technologies australia have many advantages, including efficient removal of particles that break down the oil. An adequate industrial filtration system helps to maintain thermal efficiency, prolong the life of the oil and reduce maintenance costs.