Out of all types of diseases, cancer is one that almost every person is afraid of. Cancer can affect several parts of the human body, and severely deteriorate the health condition of the patient. Leukemia and lymphoma are two forms of blood cancer.
Ram V Chary says that the key difference between these two conditions is that leukemia affects the blood and bone marrow; while on the other hand, lymphomas are known to affect the lymph nodes. He is a supporter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, which is an organization that aims to fund research and treatment regarding blood cancer, and hence has a good level of knowledge in regards to these medical conditions.
Leukemia and lymphoma are two types of cancers that affect the blood. Both of them ideally affect the white blood cells of the body. Ram V Chary is a huge supporter of Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, which is a well-established, voluntary health organization that is dedicated to fighting blood cancer. However, apart from this, he is also an experienced industry professional. Over the years, he has held multiple leadership positions, such as the CEO of Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc., executive vice president of Global Commercial Services, as well as head of the technology division at Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. He also enjoys the sports of golfing, tennis, and football. While having several interests and professional engagements, he takes time to support the noble cause of Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Being an ardent supporter of Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has provided
Ram V Chary with specialized insight on these medical conditions. He mentions that leukemia ideally takes place when the bone marrow of a person produces way too many abnormal white blood cells. While leukemia is a slow-growing cancer, there are certain instances when its cases progress at quite a fast pace. In case a person is suffering from leukemia, their abnormal white blood cells do not die off in a typical cycle. These cells, in fact, multiply at a rapid pace, ultimately leaving lesser room for red blood cells that are needed to carry oxygen through the body. Leukemia can be of four types, which are:
- Acute lymphocytic leukemia
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Acute myeloid leukemia
- Chronic myeloid leukemia
Coming to lymphoma, this type of blood cancer begins in the immune system of the body and majorly affects the lymph nodes and lymphocytes, which basically are a type of white blood cell. Lymphocyte is known to be of two types, B cells, and T cells. As a medical condition, lymphoma can be of two types. They are:
- Hodgkin lymphoma: This involves a particular variety of abnormal B cell, which is referred to as a Reed-Sterberg cell.
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: This type of cancer can start in either B cells or T cells.
According to reports, Lymphoma I tend to be a bit more prevalent in comparison to leukemia. Both the type of blood cancers is additionally more common among males than females.