In general, bags are the preferred accessories of women, something that can only be surpassed by designer bags. The desire awakened in many women to have one of these bags does not begin with series like “Sex and the City”, but it is almost something that is carried in the DNA. Designer firms such as Burberry, Hermes, Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Marc Jacobs or Louis Vuitton are absolute classics in the world of handbags and, therefore, never go out of style, no matter how often the trends and collections change. Other less well-known designer bags like Gucci backpack.
In addition to those of great designer firms, you can find fabulous models from well-known brands, such as Guess, Bree, Longchamp, or Carolina Herrera on the wish list of many women. These types of brands offer very high-quality and stylish bags, but which, compared to the great designer bags, are much cheaper. Branded and designer bags are very elegant and classic pieces, which combine perfectly with any outfit and are ideal to wear on any occasion.
Bags for men and women
For women, bags are essential elements in their daily lives, whether they are used as accessories or as a means of transporting a laptop or sportswear. The handbags or shoulder bags are perfect for storing everything a woman needs for her daily life: from the purse, the organizer, the mobile, or the house keys, to the tissues and makeup to touch up, going through a perfume bottle and a small comb.
Men, on the other hand, can spend all day outside with only their keys and wallet in their pocket, without the need to carry a purse, unless it is a travel bag, a briefcase, or a bag on lil stock. Men who use bags often use them for some kind of purpose or for a certain occasion. Thus, they use sports bags to go to the gym, briefcases to carry their laptops or file folders to work, and travel bags when they have a business trip or take a short weekend getaway. Women, on the other hand, always find the ideal purpose to enjoy a wide variety of bags.
DIY bags: the perfect accessory
We invite you to bring out your artistic streak and design and make your own bags. A bag made by ourselves is an excellent gift for the person who receives it since, in addition to being a unique piece at the same time it transmits a message of affection. You don’t always have to start making your bag from scratch. If you have a special party and a black bag, you can add sequins or a color detail to give it an original touch and at a good price. A bag for a baby, a sports bag for men, a bag for your children’s snack… there are as many options as there are uses for a bag.
Men’s bags
Fashion is a world that is constantly evolving and, just when it seems that we have already seen everything, designers go one step further. Before the 20th century, pants and jeans were an exclusive garment for the male market, while now the range of pants for women is wider and more varied than for men. The same occurs with bags, a garment until relatively recently in the hands of women that has come to complete the masculine look.
Why a men’s bag?
A man who has never used this accessory may claim that men’s bags are useless and that they are an accessory intended only for women. However, it will only be enough to use them once to realize how a bag can make life easier.
Not only women carry “the house on their backs”; If we stop to think about everything that a modern man wears, the use of a bag seems more than reasonable. House keys, car keys, handkerchiefs, wallet, a mobile phone if not two, glasses, hand cream, lip balm and so on. It is practical to carry a bag to store all that, right? You will find that it is much more pleasant not to carry the pockets all the way up.
Uu leather bag for men: the most elegant option
Of all the bag models, the most elegant and classic are undoubtedly the leather bags. Leather and leather are optimal materials for making accessories and accessories, especially bags. Some of the advantages of leather for men’s bags are, apart from the indisputably elegant touch that they give us, the resistance and the pleasant touch they offer. A black leather bag will be the perfect gift for every man.