shop and donate for food charity singapore

Any human being requires the basic need for food. For the people who cannot afford the daily need for food, our organization makes sure that they are provided by a stable source of food. This organization requires donations as well as volunteers to keep it running. The donations provided by you will support our beneficiaries with good food to eat every day. You can donate the money online by giving your credit card details on the donations page of the website. The online donation has the option of monthly donation or a one-time donation. You can choose between the two and provide the money for the needy. Donations in the form of cash or checks are welcome by Visiting the office for donations from Monday to Friday at the time of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Food from the heart has the option of the shop and donate for food charity singapore.

The organization always prefers a cash donation on the food donations. This is because the food purchase limit may be varying at different supermarkets. If you insist on donating the food items only make sure that all the food donated by you you are dated 3 months prior before expiry. A few of the food items are easily perishable such as milk, apple, and orange juice. These perishable food items are only accepted when the store is open.  You can help by the act of shop and donate for food charity singapore. There is a list of food packets that are currently required for the beneficiaries. The food items are listed below:

shop and donate for food charity singapore

  1. 1-liter cooking oil
  2. Evaporated Milk
  3. Canned mock meat
  4. Canned Vegetable-peas, beans & mushrooms
  5. Canned Soup
  6. Coffee/Tea Powders
  7. Canned meat/fish
  8. Vermicelli
  9. 1kg Rice
  10. Biscuits
  11. Canned fried dace
  12. Assorted canned Pork products

Deliver all the food items to the warehouse of Food from the Heart. Deliver it only during their operating hours. If you fail to do so, leave all your donations in the food donation box outside our warehouse. Along with this we also take the toys which can be distributed to the children among the age 6 to 12 years. Before donating the toys make sure that they are in good condition. Food from the heart accepts the toy donations only between September to October this is because of the space constraints. Another initiative of this organization is donating right. It is the act of donating anything to help others. The junk food and the expired food is not accepted by our organization. The best donations of our customers to the needy are the ones that are easy to consume and improves the health of the needy.