
TGA is urging the consumers to clear the products which contain the Melanotan. These products are mainly marketed as the Melanotan 2 injections for tanning the skin. They are also not included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods and not been assessed on the safety, quality, and efficacy by the TGA.

It is not legal to advertise and supply of these products. The use of these products will so serious side effects on the consumers and will also be able to damage their health.

There is a report also been featured by the current affair on this issue and the dangers of these products are highlighted in the report.

Various Associated Risks

TGA is always warning its consumers for using the Melanotan 2 injections for tanning the skins. There are various side effects of it which would be darkening of the skin, an increase of freckles and moles, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, involuntary yawning and stretching, flushing on the face and most importantly for men spontaneous erections.

TGA also listed in the UK by its counterpart side effects like kidney, acne, brain and various heart problems.


Melanotan is mostly listed in schedule 4 which is standard of poisons. This will also mean that it will require the regulations and laws by the TGA for monitoring the use of it. Medical authorities are also having to be involved in it. They will list down the harms which this drug will cause if it is not taken as per the instruction and guidance of the health professionals.

Melanotan 2 is also been considered as sleeping aid.

Advice to business suppliers

As mentioned earlier in this article that these products are not been approved for selling and marketing in the market. If someone is found to be doing so then legal action is to be taken against the supplier who is supplying and also manufacturing this product. This can also lead to prosecution.

TGA is conducting various investigations for finding out the illegal trades which are going on for this drug in the Australian market.

Melanotan 2 with other products are marketed as the image enhancer. This includes synthetic hormones and peptides which are very popular among young people. These are very vulnerable products which are marketed as they will make a miracle to the body and the performance would be highly improved.