Healthy environment leads to safety health. When the chemical usage is high; it is hard to prevent from pollution. Bioreactors are used to recycle plastics and glass waste into gas. It converts microbes, fungus, and plant cell into biological products such as nitrate gas.
Types of bioreactors;
- Continuous stirred tank bioreactors; a cylindrical shaped tank with motor attached for agitating is included. Shaft is attached to bottom of the reactor to enhance motor working process. Impellers are fixed to bottom of the reactors. The number of impellers depends upon the size of reactors. Height and diameter of the tank indicates the number of impeller. If the vessel size is high, then it needs more than three pairs. When the tank is normal in size, then the impeller is enough for de-nitration process.
- Bubble column bioreactors; there are no impellers, instead air or gas is attached at the base. Perforated pipes or plates meet micro organisms. The flow of air or water influences performance of bioreactors. When there are high water flows, micro organisms will be huge. The processes of bioreactors are high. Morris Esformes Guide on Bioreactors For the Environmentally Aware are employed to understand and maintain healthy life.
- Air lift bioreactors; the vessel is divide into interconnected with tube. In one of the tube, air/gas is pumped. The other vessel receives no gas. Dispersion will take place at the upper zone and down flow occurs at the bottom. There will be a loop termed internal loop airlift bioreactor, a single container with a central draft tube that creates a liquid circulation channel. They maintain a fixed fermentation rate. Whereas external loop bioreactors posses externally, the liquid is circulated outside the loop. They are independent to all channels. The mixing of the contents is better compared to bubble columns.
- Fluidized bed bioreactors; it is similar to bubble column reactors. The top position is wide in order to reduce the velocity of fluid. The solids are maintained when the liquid flows outwards. These bioreactors perform high when the biocatalyst reactions are high. These include immobilized enzymes, cells and flock. We do not have solid particles that are too light or too dense. Recycling process maintains continuous contract between reaction contents and catalyst. This enables better ability of misprocessing.
- Packed bed bioreactors; the concentration of nutrient are increases, this improves the flow of nutrient broth. It is difficult to control water level when there is no proper mixing. They are processed for biological purposes. They do not accumulate products at any significant extends.
- Photo bioreactors; they are specialized on the fermentation occurred due to the explosion of light. They are expensive and applicable only at outdoor. They use natural sunlight. Transparent plastic and glass bottles are employed at outdoor to recycle the waste.