A message that is claimed to be delivered from a god by a prophet is known as prophecy. The message can be a revelation of the divine truth or inspiration that has either happened or is yet to happen. This is trusted by many people but it is widely associated with Christianity and Judaism. A prophet acts as a bridge between the people and their god.
Significance of prophecy
The message that is delivered to the people through the prophet which makes it even more important is called prophecy hk. It can be a vision, dream or medication that is coming directly from the holy God to the prophet. It holds great importance for the people as they consider it coming from their god and never try to question it. A prophet can be getting the message by either from a natural method like vision or meditation or from an artificial method that includes learning different techniques. Both are considered equally important so people listen to their message very sincerely. The prophet encourages people to believe in their god so that they can know the ultimate truth of life.
Difference between prophecy and preaching
Preaching means that the preacher is teaching something from the Bible by drawing out a lesson and explaining it to the people. While prophesying means that the prophet is delivering the message that he received directly from the almighty God. Preaching is the act of adding an educational guess to the lesson that is done by the preacher but prophets do not add their own idea to the message or belief that is delivered to them through vision, dream or meditation. Prophecy is not considered as the illusion or interference but is considered very high because it is delivered directly by their god that they believe in. The process of dreams or vision being interpreted is involved in prophesying and not in preaching.
Role of prophet
A prophet holds great importance in prophesying because after they communicate with a god, they deliver it to the people who believe in god and their presence. A prophecy hk knows the importance of prayer in connecting someone to the god which is the reason that they encourage people to their part in praying that is organized in the church. They are the link created between god and their believer. People trust them very much because they created a connection to god so they can also advise them to do what is right according to their god. People come to them with their problems and issues because they believe them that they will suggest something that is a choice of their god. The suffering also decreased after they do the deed told them by their prophet.
It is widely associated with the presence of God because they are one delivering the message which they get directly from their god through vision or dreams. People have a great belief for the prophet and their prophecy on which they base many of their important decision so that it is connected with their god.