
When women arrange cancer screenings for themselves, it is usually to check for breast cancer. Breast cancer emerges when abnormal cells develop in the tissue of the breast. The most common breast cancer develops in the ducts that transport the produced milk to the nipple. However, cancer can also develop in the lobules, or the small sacs that produce milk. Other breast tissues may also be affected.

Individualize Breast Cancer Care

Because breast cancers can differ, the treatment options used are individualized to a patient’s care needs. When breast cancer is found early through a woman cancer screening in Bangkok, it is called breast cancer in situ. This means that the cancer has not invaded other parts of the body. There are two types of breast cancer in situ. They are called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS).

DCIS is found in the lining of a milk duct in the breast while LCIS is found in the lining of a lobule in the breast. If these cancers are not treated early, they can end up becoming invasive. Sometimes patients are diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. This cancer starts in the breast but spreads through the lymph system or the blood. Women normally develop the disease after being diagnosed for breast cancer. The cancer frequently spreads to a patient’s lung, liver, brain, or bones.

Locally advanced breast cancer is rare but inflammatory. The breast often feels warm and appears reddish. Also, the breast may display hives, welts, or ridges along with wrinkles. In some cases, the cancer is misdiagnosed because of its appearance. Doctors may believe that the patient is suffering from an infection.

Recurrent breast cancer happens when the cancer returns or recurs after cancer treatment. It may return within the breast, the chest wall, or in some other part of the body. When breast cancer develops, the patient may not experience symptoms. However, as the cancer grows, changes may occur.

Changes in the Breast: What to Note

These changes may be marked by the following:

  • A lump may appear close to the breast or beneath the arm.
  • The breast may change in shape and size.
  • The nipple may become inverted or feature tenderness or discharge.
  • The breast skin may look orange because of pitting or ridging.
  • The breast’s skin, nipple, or areola may look red, swollen, or scaly.

If breast cancer is diagnosed in Bangkok, the doctor will need to learn the spread of the disease. He or she does this by staging. Staging helps the medical provider find out how far the disease has spread. By taking this approach, he or she can better treat the cancer and know what to anticipate. This is helpful for the patient too as she can progress with more confidence in her therapy.

Usually the first step of a workup is scheduling an ultrasound and mammography. These types of imaging can help the doctor see just how far the cancer has grown or spread. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) screenings also help the doctor formulate a treatment plan in Bangkok.