Japanese knotweed

The Japanese knotweed is known for its ferocious invasive ability to overtake and dominate the natural order between the native species of plants which is why it is known to destroy natural vegetation of plants and habitats, destroying natural trails and riverbanks for many years already.

What makes it, even more, worse is that this plant is also known for its ability to damage concrete structures which already costs a lot of property owners millions worth of damage because of the plant’s ability to grow rapidly through the small gaps, pavements, roads, and wall structures of properties that result in cracks, poor structural integrity, and loss of value of the property.

Because of its rapid growth, it easily consumes all the nutrition and the space leaving native plants to die because of its unfair advantage of leaving nothing for the native species of plants to die unnaturally.

How does the Japanese knotweed grow?

Unlike other types of plants and weeds, Japanese knotweed can survive in a not so favorable condition. For example, it can grow normally on the concrete pavement where there are little soil and water. Thanks to its rapidly growing ability which can penetrate small cracks and gaps where it gradually grows and damages the structural integrity of the building or the pavement which costs a lot of money for repair from the property owners.

Why is Japanese knotweed considered as a pest?

The reason why Japanese knotweed is considered invasive and harmful to other plants is that it is not fit for biodiversity, instead, it invades the native vegetation by limiting native plants and animal species that are already diversely inhabiting there. Also, scientific studies found out that Japanese knotweed damage is caused by the plant’s release of chemicals which suppresses the growth of other plants in the vegetation.

It also risks the area where it grows of flood and decreases the water quality. Scientific studies also found out that aquatic organisms are not able to process knotweed leaf compared to the native vegetation because it displaces potential food chains.

How does it damage the environment?

It also causes denser foliage that causes heavy shading along narrow streams that reduce the aquatic plant to grow abundantly along riversides. It also reduces rivers to carry floodwater effectively because of its canes that block grids and sluices and on top of that, it causes erosion that silts fish spawning areas.

Japanese knotweed is also known to be an obstruction for hikers, and boaters along the riverbanks because it impedes full access to the area. Most importantly, its damage causes a lot of money from property owners because of its ability to grow on concretes regardless of where it is located the development of that cost and the regeneration schemes of the owners.