A child custody battle is a nasty thing, especially for the kids. This is the reason why experts recommend asking both parties first if it can be avoided. If one of the parties is willing to compromise, things will be easier when it is time to reach an agreement.
However, if you are interested in obtaining sole or full custody, you should be ready to engage in a difficult battle and this often entails ending up in court. The court will determine who will prevail. You can represent yourself but it may not be enough.
Your determination may not be enough to win the battle. You need the help of legal experts. Here are some instances that you have to think about hiring Houston child custody attorney:
If your ex is working with one
It is fine to represent yourself but if you know that your ex is working with an attorney, it is time that you consider legal representation too. If you are worried about the costs, you can look for free legal aid. In the end, attorneys can help turn the case the way you wanted it.
If your ex is preventing you from seeing the children
If your ex starts to deny visits or limits your contact with the children, then you must think about hiring an attorney. Hiring an attorney that is well qualified and experienced can help make your situation better.
If the case has become more complicated
As the days go by, you realize that your case is becoming more complicated. For complications, you need to hire an attorney to help you sort things out. When you distribute the work to your attorney, you can dedicate more time and effort proving that you are the better parent.
If the case overlaps other jurisdictions
If your ex lives in a different state or country, you should secure an attorney immediately. Even after hiring an attorney, you still need to learn about child custody laws that will impact your case so you can understand the process.
If you genuinely believe that your children are in danger
The safety of your children outweighs the cost of the child custody case. This is the time that you hire an attorney to help you with the restraining order and other legal cases. Most of all, remember that any time you believe your children are in danger, you need to call the police immediately.
If the court requires you to join treatments or classes
If the court requires you to join treatments or classes like anger management, parenting, and drug/alcohol, it already means you are at a disadvantage. In these situations, it is ideal to hire an attorney to represent you. In the end, attorneys can help you manage your image.
Final words
While it is fine to represent yourself because there is no better person who can convey your situation, it is important that you seek professional help as it can increase your chances of winning the battle. This is a trying time so you need to muster up all help you can get.