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A lot of news spread online, they come from different sources and different dictionaries. Being well-informed of what is happening around the society is crucial in this era where news travels at the speed of light. There are online sites that cover legit news that cover the happenings around the countries of the world,, it is still an important factor to be aware of what you are reading. Understanding and learning the authenticity of what you read is important to avoid misconceptions and acquiring fake news from fraud sources and journalists. This article has got you covered!

Main types of fake news

Fake news has the definition of information that cannot get verified, has no sources and untrue. It is important to differentiate between misinformation and disinformation.

  • Made up stories. This aims to make an article go viral and make money through the number of click or to promote a certain political agenda which is not even true, to mislead the supporters of a certain political party.
  • Sloppy journalism. These are news done on a bad note. Some of the media outlets such as tabloids, may build stories around an actual fact even though which fact it anchors to cannot support the claims made in the article. A false context of an article that an individual reads can also fall into this category.
  • Satire and parody. Satirical news aim to entertain – that is how they serve their purpose. The stories do not pretend that they are not fake, but the stories that fall on this category intends to be fun and mock people’s habits and stereotypes.

How to spot a fake story

  • Who published the story? Find out which organization published the story and the author that created the article. A story published on the website of a news organization which you happen to never hear of, then alarm bells should start ringing.
  • Lookout for the design. You can spot a fake news based on its website’s design, while you compare it to big online outlets, you will notice that theirs has simple graphics.
  • Where did the news came from? Check the person who posted the content of the published article. Only follow the verified pages of news outlets on social media, in this way you can avoid ending up in websites that offer fake news.
  • Who is the source? A way to check the authenticity of an article or story is through the sources that it cites. Legit journalists use public documents as a source of stories.
  • How often do they post reports? The number of times that a website posts their articles and stories can be a good thing to watch out for to spot if a site posts fake or legit news. Include to check who are the authors of a certain article.

Being well-informed and knowing the truth as an individual is useful. Fake news not only tackles about politics, it also highlights health reports up until science. Individuals should pay close attention to the news that they consume. News literacy is the real key to being better-informed. You can read articles from reliable online news outlets,, that offer the latest news you need to know (and not fake!).