
There is no end to knowledge and skills upgrade in swimming even if you are already Michael Phelps. That is why having swimming lessons will always be a good activity to invest in. However,the problem remains that it’s hard to choose a swimming lesson if there are too many available. The following are guidelines to choosing swimming lessons Singapore based:

Determine your skill level.

This may be difficult to do by yourself. There’s a tendency for you to be too hard or too nice on yourself. That’s why this must be the first step in choosing a swimming lesson. If you are a beginner, don’t choose the intermediate lessons. You can ask a professional swimmer to help determine your skill level when you have been swimming for some time. The best thing to do during your swimming lessons is to master the basics and to develop your own techniques.

Make sure you work with a reliable swimming coach.

It is possible to learn swimming with the help of YouTube videos created from reliable sources. Experts however recommend hiring a swimming coach who will be giving you advice and support just like a real life coach. This is because it may be hard to handle our own weaknesses and mistakes. It is more likely that you will respond to a different type of motivation and goal setting procedure. Another thing is that you won’t be able to see yourself swimming which makes it difficult to think about the right technique to follow.

Before you hire a coach, see him or her at work.

Before you decide to be taught by a particular swimming coach, make sure that you visit him or her at work. Determine if the person is strict or friendly in teaching. Find out about the coach’s style and make sure that it suits you. Make sure that you choose the coach who has the right attitude and energy.

You also have to set your goals for the swimming lessons.

When you set a goal for yourself, you will feel motivated to go on and swim. Make sure that the goals you set for yourself are realistic and highly achievable. It must not be something that you can achieve and master in just 30 minutes. It’s better to set intermediary goals. This will enable you to track your progress well. After your goals are set, it’s better to discuss them with your swimming coach. You can adjust according to your swimming instructor’s feedback.

Undergo both private and group swimming activities.

For majority of swimmers, it is better to learn through a private swimming lesson or a group swimming lesson. A private swimming lesson means there is one coach for one or two swimmers. It’s more expensive but it is more flexible, and the rate of learning is higher. This also means that you have higher return of investment in terms of saved time and frustration. The group swimming lesson consists of 5 to 20 swimmers. There will be less hands-on training, but it is cheaper than the private swimming lessons.