Making sure our treasured Christmas tree arrives in tip-top condition for decorating is something we all wish for as the festivities near.
In this article, we take a look at how van drivers – whether we’ve hired one for the occasion or own our very own – can ensure our trees turn up in one piece.
Secure it
To avoid vehicle damage and tree debris falling into the road, it goes without saying that your Christmas tree needs to be properly secured. If you have installed van racking in your van, then this is the easiest way to transport your tree home; it can either be tethered to the rack or strapped onto it.
Don’t risk it
Put simply, trees that aren’t properly secured to a vehicle can be a safety hazard for other road users. Research has shown that objects that fly off cars – including Christmas trees – are responsible for thousands of crashes a year, resulting in injuries and even deaths. Interestingly, around two-thirds of debris crashes are the direct result of items that aren’t properly secured.
Use a van if you can
Not only might your tree fall off your car roof, if you choose to loop twine to secure it through the windows, then this could result in damage to both the window frame and the door seal. That’s why we recommend using a van to transport your tree if you can. And again, if you can, make sure it is fit for purpose by adding in van racking. There are lots to choose from, so check out companies like https://www.vehicle-accessories.net/interiors/van-racking/.
Top tips for transporting your tree
The internet is awash with top tips on how best to transport your tree home for the holidays. Our main one is to use the right vehicle and we recommend a van.
Other top tips include using quality ties or twines, such as strong rope or nylon straps.
Protect your tree
Make sure the tree you choose is wrapped in netting before you load it in your vehicle. And don’t forget to protect your vehicle. Put a blanket down in your van or car to protect it from scratches and to make sure the paint finish isn’t compromised.
Secure it correctly
Secure the tree at its bottom, centre, and top before setting off.