Industrial style has been a feature of restaurant design for a while now. It’s the perfect blend of style and functionality – spiral ducting looks eye-catching and helps to remove nasty odours that can drive customers away.
While good ventilation and the distinctive look of spiral ductwork can work in any restaurant setting, it’s a perfect match when there are strong and distinctive smells in play. After all, you don’t want to fall foul of the Environmental Protection Act!
Coffee Shops
The scent of coffee and baked goods can be hugely appealing. But even delicious smells can become sickly sweet and overpowering over the course of a day.
With the right spiral duct installation you can ensure that your coffee shop offers a comfortable place for customers to use through the day and into the evening. You can find out more from Dustspares or other good suppliers about the way spiral ducts can work for your restaurant.
Seafood Restaurants
Even people who love the taste of fish and seafood can be put off by the smell that lingers afterwards. Let that smell permeate into your furnishings and you’ll create an ambiance that turns your diners off as soon as they set foot through the door.
Spiral ductwork can be used as part of a ventilation system that puts paid to fishy odours. And because spiral ductwork is airtight, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that the airflow is always odour-free.
Pizza Places
A pizza restaurant might just be home to some of the tastiest smells known to man. Who doesn’t love the smell of a crisp crust baking or ripe tomatoes turning into a delicious sauce? But your customers might not be so delighted by pungent odours like garlic and onion, and those odours can stick like glue even when you’ve left with your takeaway.
Spiral ducting will not only look cool with bare brick walls and Edison light bulbs, it ensures your customers can enjoy their pizza without smelling like one.
Spiral ducting is a cost-effective and easy to install solution when your restaurant needs great ventilation. Spiral ducts are space-saving in a hidden installation or give a great industrial vibe to your space. And with a clean and efficient ventilation system, your customers will build repeat business.