In digestion is also known as dyspepsia, which is used to describe one or more symptoms including a feeling of fullness during a meal, uncomfortable fullness after a meal, and burning or pain in the upper abdomen. It is a medical condition characterized by chronic or recurrent pain in the upper abdomen, upper abdominal fullness and feeling full earlier than expected when eating. it can be accompanied by bloating, belching, nausea or heartburn.
Indigestion is common in adults and can occur once in a while or as often as everyday. Indigestion can be caused by a condition in the digestive tract such as the gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), cancer, abnormality of the pancreas or bile ducts and even peptic ulcer disease. If the condition improves or resolves the symptoms of indigestion usually improve. Most often a person having indigestion does not find the root cause of it. This type of indigestion is also called functional dyspepsia and it is thought to occur in the area where the stomach meets the small intestine. Digestion maybe related to abnormal motility, such as the squeezing or relaxing action of the stomach muscle as it receives, digests and moves food into the small intestine.
Vaidam – medical travel assistant will arrange for every kind of provision a patient needs to be transported to a different state. Keeping in mind this condition of his health and assisting him in every way possible. Symptoms of indigestion is various as most people with indigestion experience more than one of the following symptoms.
- Epigastric burning is experienced by a person who feels an unpleasant sensation of heat in the epigastric area. The less frequent symptoms include nausea and bloating- an unpleasant tightness in the stomach. Nausea and bloating could be due to causes other than indigestion.
- A person might feel excessively full after a meal, or its like the food is staying in the stomach for too long. Soon after the meal starts the person might feel overly full and cannot often finish the meal.
- The epigastric area is between the lower end of the chest bone and the novel The person may experience mild to severe epigastric pain. Sometimes the term in digestion is used to describe the symptoms of heart burn but these are two completely different conditions. Heartburn is more painful, and a burning feeling in the chest which radiates towards neck or back. Heartburn is caused by stomach acid rising into the esophagus and maybe a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease. A person can have symptoms of both indigestion and heartburn.
Indigestion can be a sign of a more serious condition, people should see a doctor right away if the experience frequent vomiting, weight loss or loss of appetite, blood in vomit, black tarry stools, difficult or painful swallowing, abdominal pain in the non epigastric area, indigestion accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating or pain that radiates to the jaw, neck, or arm and symptoms that persists for more than two weeks.