common winter crimes

As cold weather leads to sensible layers, seasonal activities and a fondness for soup, decreasing temperatures also inspire the nation’s criminals. Law breakers apparently see frosty weather as a great time to augment ill-gotten gains.

Law breakers
Breaking and entering

Cold, dark weather apparently makes it easier for burglars to ransack homes. According to recent figures from the Cambridgeshire police, in the autumn and winter period of 2016-17, burglaries in the area rose by more than 15 per cent.

With such short days, it is certainly easier for criminals to notice when householders are not at home. Police recommend keeping any tempting possessions – and that probably includes any nice shiny gadgets from Christmas – out of sight, along with making sure that you have good lighting. Exterior lights with sensors can help, and alarms are a good idea to deter thieves. And that probably includes any nice shiny gadgets from Christmas – out of sight, along with making sure that you have good lighting. Exterior lights with sensors can help, and alarms are a good idea to deter thieves.

tempting possessions

Other steps you can take to make your home less appealing to burglars include making it appear as if someone is home with the aid of timers that switch on lights and even radios. Developments in technology even make it possible to switch on appliances using an app on your phone. For more ideas on gadgets that could scare away criminals, home with the aid of timers that switch on lights and even radios. Developments in technology even make it possible to switch on appliances using an app on your phone. For more ideas on gadgets that could scare away criminals, see this report in The Independent.

Many people leave spare keys outside and burglars know this, so don’t do it. If you leave a set of car keys at home, make sure they are not on a hook by the front door or some other obvious place where an intruder can see them. Mark all your valuable items with your address.

Secure entrances

It is also important to make sure that doors and windows are as strong and secure as possible. If you want to learn more about burglar-safe options for Dublin windows and doors, you might want to start by consulting experts such as A knowledgeable company like this can provide plenty of good advice on how to safeguard Dublin windows and doors.

Being burgled is a horrible experience that leaves you feeling violated apart from the loss of valuables and even items of great sentimental value. Minimise the risk of being invaded by making sure your home is as difficult to break into as possible to protect your possessions along with your peace of mind. Being invaded by making sure your home is as difficult to break into as possible to protect your possessions along with your peace of mind.