A business cannot run in a smooth and an efficient manner without the assistance of an accountant. An accountant can not only assist the business in keeping a track of income and expenditure but can also help in taking care of the taxes. There is a common misconception among many people who think that hiring an accountant will involve a lot of money and the business ultimately will be unable to make profit. But this is not at all a true fact because hiring an accountant will help the business owner to save time, focus more on their work and lead a stress free life.
In case you are a business owner or you have a complex tax situation, then you will need to have an accountant for your taxes. This is because they can also assist you preparing for the future by giving you precious advice which you cannot get anywhere else. However, with so many accountants out there in the market offering top quality accounting services, it does become a difficult task for the business person to choose the right accountant.
Barry Bulakites is basically from United States who is an experienced accountant and has vast knowledge in accounting programs, tax, etc. He offers some tips o how to find the right accountant:
- When it comes to choosing accountants for preparing taxes, it is best to consult with colleagues, friends etc. who has of late hired accountant. Without any doubt, referrals are the best and easiest way to find a reliable accountant. By consulting with family, friends, and other business owners, one can get a lot of important information, for instance, which accountant to hire and the payment that they will charge etc. One can even seek the assistance of financial advisors who already know the financial situation and tax requirements of a particular business.
- It is important that you know your specific business needs. An accountant can carry out several tasks but all of them may not be needed in a particular establishment. Therefore, it is important that a business owner must make out what is their requirement. For instance, few business owners may need assistance with tax while others may require suggestions on financial statements and other compliance work. Depending on the requirement one must find out whether the accountant has the right kind of expertise or not.
- Make sure that the accountant is licensed and certified and have a name and recognition in the services that they offer.
These are some of the tips to consider when hiring an accountant.
Barry Bulakites, currently is associated with Table Bay Financial Network, Inc. as a Chief Sales and Marketing Officer and supervises all sales and marketing related concerns. Table Bay Financial Network, Inc. is one of the top IRA firms in the nation. Before coming into the profession, Barry has completed a B.S. in Marketing from Western New England College and a two-year program from the London School of Business management.