Share market or stock market is a market where one can buy and sell shares of various companies that are listed on any of the stock exchange. It is an automated system nowadays. Hence one may sit at his home and place order for the purchase or sale of any shares of any company. Majority of the people are interested in this market only because one can make quick money here with the help of intraday trading if he has knowledge about the market and how it works. The investment of amount is small here, and if one wants to keep the same restricted, he can do so. The risk of being a loss is also less here.
To trade on the best trading platform of the stock market, one needs to have an account for trading as well as demat. In the trading account, one can continue the trading where he can purchase the shares on a day and sell the same on the same day. There is also a demat account where one can place his shares in a dematerialized form which may be bought for a long period as an investment.
The trading:
One can go for trading in the cash or derivatives segment and make a profit if he knows the market movement and price trend. Hence one needs to have a watch on all the factors that affect the movement of the market as the market is much sensitive to many factors. One can go for intraday trading or delivery trading as per own choice. However, the trader needs to decide it in advance only but surely can change his mind later. Majority of the traders prefer to go for intraday trading as they can make quick money in this segment only.
However, while jumping into the ocean of trading one must know a few basic principles. The first principle is, with the expectation of profit one has to be prepared for loss as well. The market is much sensitive, and hence one needs to play safe with the help of limits. One must set the profit booking and stop loss limits so that in case of falling market one can save his back from more loss. This is possible only when one knows about the market movement and price trends. Hence in any account, whether one goes for an offline account or an online one, his knowledge is important. However if one is busy during market hours, the terminal operator can be of good help in case of an offline account which he cannot have in case he has an online account.
It is always better for an individual trader to follow a strategy and go for a few sectors only in case of intraday trading. To be on safe side, one can keep the blue-chip companies in the list and watch the market rates of shares of those companies only as usually such shares have limited but sure movement, and in case one needs to take the delivery, also it will be a beneficial deal.