DBS checks were formally known as CRB checks. They prove the responsibility and suitability of an individual for specific positions. This can be working with children or the elderly or in finance and security. If you’re planning on caring for animals, it’s also a good idea to get a DBS certificate. You’re planning on caring for animals, it’s also a good idea to get a DBS certificate.
DBS checks are important because some positions require a lot of responsibility and an empathetic nature. Past abuse cases have made checks a lot more comprehensive to protect vulnerable individuals and financial organizations.. Abuse cases have made checks a lot more comprehensive to protect vulnerable individuals and financial organizations.
What Are DBS Checks For?
The three types of DBS checks are standard, enhanced and basic. Each of the checks provides employers and clients with information about your history.
The basic check provides people with information about unspent convictions. It gives a five-year history, and anyone can obtain a certificate. They’re used for a wide range of positions.
The standard check includes a full background of convictions, warnings and cautions that are held on the national police computer. Only an organisation can apply for this type of check. A national police computer is an important tool for holding information about potentially dangerous individuals.
An enhanced check gives a detailed history of all dealings with the police. It also checks if a person is on the barred list. This list is important because it shows individuals who have been deemed as unsuitable to work with children and vulnerable adults. Usually, only organizations can apply for this type of check, but if you’re self-employed and meet the criteria, you can join through a governing body. Organizations can apply for this type of check, but if you’re self-employed and meet the criteria, you can join through a governing body.
Some organizations provide people with DBS checks. If you need a basic DBS, then companies like carecheck.co.uk can offer a quick and reliable service to clear you for work.
Unspent Convictions
If you’ve been convicted of a crime, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be unable to work in certain fields. For each conviction, there’ll be a certain number of years before the sentence is classed as “spent”.
Spent convictions are removed from someone’s criminal record, but unspent convictions stay until the time limit has passed. Unspent convictions will appear on your DBS check.
It’s always a good idea if you’re self-employed to obtain a DBS check. Whatever industry you work in, it provides potential clients with peace of mind and proves you’re a responsible individual.