between web hosting, blog design and page loading times1

Web hosting, the appearance of a blog, and the loading time of pages seem to be distinct elements, but their interrelated nature is of great importance when considering the blog as a whole and its overall success among the myriad of blogs out there.

A good host won’t slow you down

Investing wisely in a web host is important, as is ensuring the provider supports the elements of the blog you’re hosting, whether that means looking for dynamic caching or CDN. An optimal host will also provide sufficient cyber threat protection as any such attacks can slow or even incapacitate your blog. Finally, the host will ideally have a good reputation when it comes to speed with local web servers or servers spread worldwide with fast switching and connections.

Devote some time to appearance

The design of a blog relates to its outer aesthetics, which are made up of the bigger structural aspects and the smaller, piecemeal features.

A blog heavy with design features that hasn’t been optimised is likely to have slower page loading times given the number of elements being loaded every time a new page or post is opened. blog heavy with design features that hasn’t been optimize is likely to have slower page loading times given the number of elements being loaded every time a new page or post is opened. It’s important to first and foremost ensure the coding is clean and without any problems that can hinder loading time.

Image thumbnails for preliminary blog snippets need to be downsized correctly and not just altered by their dimensions. Advertisements should be carefully selected, weighing up quantity and revenue against loading time. Equally important is the choice of advertisement and whether it fits with your demographic and content, along with how to place them for optimal size and effect. Sites that load quickly tend to obtain 25 per cent more ad views and more positive reputations overall, so it’s clear that efforts made in speeding up page loading are more than worthwhile. This reputations overall, so it’s clear that efforts made in speeding up page loading are more than worthwhile

Investing in professional website support from a web development company in London or elsewhere, such as, can help ensure your blog design, software and the speed of loading are as efficient as possible.

In addition, any further features to a blog have the potential to slow it down, whether it’s the inclusion of a reader poll in the sidebar, a big and bold header good looking, or a scrolling gallery to showcase images or videos, so keep this in mind.